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Member of number of the Association of Latin American Composers of Music of Art -Colegio de Compositores Latinoamericanos de Música de Arte (CCLMA).


Among the awards he has received is The Houston Symphony Orchestra Young Composer Competition with the piece “El Sombrerón”, 2016. The ASCAP Foundation Morton Gould Young Composer Award, New York, with the piece “Prisma Continental”, 2009. The Smit Composition Award, University of Memphis, 2005.


His compositions have been interpreted by Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra (USA)-Gustavo Dudamel, Montreal Symphony Orchestra (Canada)-Rafael Payare, The Norwegian radio Orchestra-Miguel Harth-Bedoya, Helsingborg Symphony Orchestra (Sweden), Houston Symphony Orchestra (USA)-Andrés Orozco-Estrada, Stiftung Mozarteum Salzburg, Grant Park Symphony Orchestra (USA), New Zealand Symphony Orchestra, Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra (USA), Castilla y León Symphony Orchestra (Spain), La Habana–Cuba Symphony Orchestra, University of Memphis Symphony Orchestra (USA), Colombia National Symphony Orchestra, Bogotá Philharmonic Orchestra, Medellín Philharmonic Orchestra, EAFIT University Symphony Orchestra, Cali Philharmonic Orchestra, Hodgson Wind Ensemble – Georgia University (USA), San José de Costa Rica Wind Ensemble, Antioquia University Symphonic Band, Arcadia Vocal Ensemble, Prizm Ensemble (USA), Contemporary Chamber Player of the University of Memphis (USA), Mexico City Woodwind Quintet, Wind Quintet, Maderurgia wind quintet (Costa Rica), Montecino piano trio (Chile), International Trio (USA), Periscopio Contemporary Music Ensemble, percussion ensemble El Toque, among others.


His music is published and distributed by Filarmonika Music Publishing (Texas-USA), and has been recorded by Eroica Records and Harmonia Mundi.

Agudelo has been part of a jury at the Bogotá Symphonic Composition Prize by OFB, 2019, National Contest Otto de Greiff, 2016, Orchestra Festival “Congos de Oro” in Barranquilla, Colombia, 2014, The National Prizes for culture at the University of Antioquia for composition modality of orchestral music or symphonic band, 2012, and The Scholarships for Artistic Creation – Mayor’s office of Medellín, Colombia, 2011.  


In 2003 he finished his undergraduate musical studies with an emphasis in composition with professors Andrés Posada, Sergio Mesa and Moisès Bertran at EAFIT University.


In 2008, Agudelo received his Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) in composition, theory and orchestral conducting at The University of Memphis with Professors Kamran Ince, John Baur and Pu-Qi Jiang respectively.


At present, Victor's life is still in motion, he is associate professor and researcher of the Music Degree of the Adventist University Corporation (UNAC) and carries out composition projects, through commissions and collaborations with artists of international stature, his last commission was made by Maestro Gustavo Dudamel, Principal Conductor of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra.

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